Hawkins and Co.

Brexit Part II

Brexit Part II

So… last time I set the stage. Let’s get to what happened. Why the vote? All my adult life, “Europe” has been an open…

Brexit: What’s it all about?

Those who know me might have noticed I was born in the UK. Apparently this makes me an expert on the recent Brexit events….

Write-off – or wrong?

So… here are a couple of things I’ve overheard on buses, trains and planes recently: “He tells me it’s a great investment – you…

Debt: The sequel

OK, so last time we covered why businesses may use debt – and for what purpose. So far, so good. But we didn’t talk…

Debt: Friend or Foe?

“Income, $20.00 a year, expenditure $19.95 a year – result, happiness. Income, $20.00 a year, expenditure $20.05 a year – result, misery.” [With apologies…

Do You Really Like This Stuff?

This morning, a client asked me if I enjoy what I do. Not that I looked gloomy. She just couldn’t believe that anybody could…

HST 101

Sorry, not the most exciting topic. But I get asked about HST – at a fairly basic level – at least twice a week….

Free Money From The Government!

OK, that should generate a few click-throughs… Believe it or not, it does exist. But it’s not lying on the ground. And, as a…

Christmas is coming…

… and with it, all the celebrations and family time that are the most important things in life. It’s typically a quieter time in…

Brown Envelope Worries

Many people have an irrational fear of brown envelopes that arrive in the mail. I used to be such a person. But we see…