Hawkins and Co.

Category: Economy

Reopening, but not normal

By Jules Hawkins on June 30, 2020

We’re delighted that COVID restrictions are slowly being lifted. We also spare a thought for our friends and clients who are not yet released…

COVID Rent Relief

A short blog post, to make sure that you are aware of the details of proposed relief available to certain tenants and their landlords….

So We Know a Little More…

So…. it’s April 1, and we had some more announcements. We assume that these are not intended to be April Fool jokes. A large…

We’re in this Together

Over the last week there’s been a huge impact on so many businesses that is trickling down to individuals.  It’s important for all of…

The Best & Worst of Times…

Given the events of the last week and how COVID-19 is affecting the world I wanted to put out some thoughts about how to…

Brexit Part II

So… last time I set the stage. Let’s get to what happened. Why the vote? All my adult life, “Europe” has been an open…

Brexit: What’s it all about?

Those who know me might have noticed I was born in the UK. Apparently this makes me an expert on the recent Brexit events….